This site has been developed in the course
of my Media Design, Masters of Arts studies at the Piet Zwart Institute,
Willem de Kooning Academy Hoogschool Rotterdam, in the Netherlands. It
was the fruit of the second trimester thematic project, Mapping Human
Violence, lead by Tjebbe van Tijen.
Being an international course, the students were of different backgrounds
and cultures. So each of the students researched about his/her country’s
history of wars and violence. Being Lebanese, the task was very hard and
very easy at the same time. The easiness was due to the amount of “violence”
and conflicts that tinted the Lebanese History, the diversity of sources
and references. The hard part obviously, was to make the decision to read
this reference and not this one.
We were supposed to research a couple of centuries back, but with the
density of material and events that took place during the past couple
of centuries in Lebanon, I had to narrow down my research and decided
to concentrate on the events from 1968 till 2000.
I chose this period for two reasons: the first is for me to understand
the conflicts that occurred and lead to quasi-destruction of my country,
the second was from the belief that “civil war” was a very
inappropriate categorization of the war (or rather ”wars”),
considering all the external influences and interventions (diplomatic
or military).
So I concentrated my research on this phase. The first decision was to
start with 1975, as it was the year when the fierce battles started. But
after some researching and reading, I started realizing the difficulty
to understand the reasons and motives behind those conflicts without looking
through the build-up happening from the mid-60’s till the spark
in 1975.
After gathering the material needed, I had to think about the way to organize
it and whether I want to be critical and subjective in how I present it
or choose to be rather objective and more encyclopedic. I chose the second
– objective – way. But wanting to be critical as well, I added
the “Battlefield Lebanon” section where I would write my views
and opinions about the war. Then I decided to open it up for other individuals
wanting to have their opinions in as well, either as a response or critique
of already published text, essays about the war, about present situations
or events, etc. In this way, I tried to combine some objectivity in presenting the events,
and criticism of those events.
more about me
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