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"Crise au Liban", Camille Chamoun, 1977
“The Beirut Massacre: the complete Kahan Commission report” (Karz-Cohl Publishing, Inc., New york, 1983)
“Borders and Beyond, Au-Delà des frontiers”, (Pro Helvetia, Switzerland, 2001)
“The breakdown of the State in Lebanon 1967-1976”, Farid El Khazen (IB Tauris, London, 2000)
“Survival in Beirut: a dairy of civil war”, Lina Mikdadi Tabbara (Onyx Press, London, 1979)
“A House of many Mansions: the history of Lebanon reconsidered”, Kamal Salibi (IB Tauris, London, 1988)
“Une Guerre pour les Autres”, Ghassan Tueni (Editions Lattès, Paris, 1985)
“Death of a Country”, John Bulloch (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1977)
“Coexistence in wartime Lebanon: decline of a state and rise of a nation”, Theodor Hanf (IB Tauris, London, 1993)
“Lebanon: s shattered country”, Elizabeth Picard (Holmes and Meier, New York, 1996)
“Syria and the Lebanese Crisis”, Adeed I. Dawisha (St Martin’s Press, New York, 1980)
“Tel El-Zaatar: le symbole et l’histoire”, Commission Centrale D’information FPLP
“The Lebanese Civil War”, Marius Deeb (Praeger Publishers, New York, 1980)
“Chronique d’une Guerre: le Liban 1975-1977”, René Chamussy (Desclée, Paris, 1978)
“Bilan des Guerres du Liban: 1975-1990”, Boutros Labaki and Khalil abou Rjeily (Editions L’harmattan, Paris, 1993)
“Religion between Violence and Reconciliation”, Thomas Scheffler (Orient Institute, 2002)
“Lebanon: a century in pictures”, Edition Dar An-Nahar, 2003
“Tamaáss: Contemporary Arab Representations, Beirut”, Fundació Antoni Tàpies(Barcelona, 2002)


"Parties of Lebanon", 8 volumes series (National Broadcasting Network Production, 2000)
"His Majesty the King: Camille Chamoun", from the "Tarikh men Tarikh" documentary series (PAC ltd, 2003)


country reports.org
leb guide
al mashriq
minority reports group international
lebanese political parties
the atlas group
med intelligence
middle east intelligence
international committee of the red cross
fact index
lebanon: a country study